After what feels like the longest wait imaginable, the Midnight EP has finally been released!…
Sahand20 April 2013

What an amazing and unique experience this show was! Singers, magicians, and a comedian, all…
Sahand27 January 2013

Happy New Year everyone!!! Hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Years! Now…
Sahand3 January 2013

The Big Feastival was a great experience this year, and it was truly an honour…
Sahand7 September 2012

Howdy all, I've been uploading all of the pictures from my latest gigs and adventures…
Sahand6 September 2012

Today is an exciting day indeed, with my performance at The Big Feastival today (1st…
Sahand1 September 2012

Hello everyone! I've just received the best news today... I won The Big Feastival's "Live…
Sahand28 August 2012

Good morning! After a ridiculously long writing, recording, producing, and mixing process, we have finally finished the…
Sahand25 August 2012

Howdy people, Since we're so excited about almost finishing the last remaining track on my…
Sahand16 August 2012

Can you believe it's been over three years since Hope was released? Since then it…
Sahand18 July 2012

Hello again, people! The mix session went really well! Shattered Dreams is sounding GRRRREEEEAAAATTTT!!! Yup,…
Sahand8 June 2012

Hello people, Hope ya'll enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations and the AWESOME Stevie Wonder!!! - Obviously…
Sahand6 June 2012

As usual songwriter extraordinaire Andrew M Pisanu and myself have been hard at work in…
Sahand6 June 2009